About IntergroupWhat is an intergroup (IG)?
When several groups form in an area, they soon realize that they can better perform together rather than separately. So the groups may form an intergroup that is directly responsible to the groups it serves. Intergroups spring from a need to provide service for a number of local groups and better information about OA in a community (adapted from OA Handbook for Members, Groups, Intergroups). We developed a brochure to educate our members about the Greater Cincinnati Intergroup of OA (GCI) and how they might be involved. Download the brochure here. If you'd like to print the brochure, print on legal size paper (8.5" x 14") and fold in half, then in half again. We also periodically hold workshops about how GCI works! Check out our presentation here! Our Greater Cincinnati OA Intergroup meets on Zoom the third Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m., except in December which is the second Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Click HERE to join us!! All are welcome! We love visitors! Does your home meeting have an Intergroup representative? Are you interested in incorporating more service into your program? Please join us! |
Your 2024 Intergroup ServantsChair: Vacant position
Vice Chair: Vacant position Treasurer: Tony A. Secretary: Janet L. Delegates: Alternate Delegate: Linda N. and Bridgid C Committee Chairs for 2024 Membership Chair- Ali E Special Events- Nancy B Bylaws-Tony Public Outreach-This position is currently vacant. Communications- Vacant Intergroup Representatives
CLICK HERE to see who is representing your group.
Intergroup Business Documents |